28th Oct 2022

Well what a fun end to the week! The students had a great time showing off their Halloween costumes on and completing their spooky artwork!

Aside from Halloween, we have had another busy week in P3.
In Literacy, the students read more Roman myths, and explored how conjunctions are used to  join clauses, by looking at examples in the myth of Ceres, and by forming their own two-clause sentences. We have also started to write our very own myths, which we will be editing and improving next week.

We completed our addition and subtraction units and have started a new Numeracy unit on multiplication. Firstly we recapped 2x, 5x and 10x tables, reminding the students of inverse operations e.g. 2 x 5 = 10, so 5 x 2 = 10, which also means that 10 ÷ 5 = 2 and 10 ÷ 2 = 5. This week we are moving onto the 3x and 4x tables, looking for patterns in the sequences to help the students remember the rules.

For Science this week we learned about light, shadow and reflection. The students had great fun decoding some ‘mirror writing’ messages and attempting to write their own. We will be doing some mirror drawings next week, using mirrors on angles. Check out the photos below!

In our Roman topic lessons, the students have completed their shields and are ready to march! Next week, we move onto a new skill of using Roman numerals.

Happy Halloween to all!

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