4th Nov 2022

Here is our P3 update for the week!

In Literacy, the students finished writing their very own mythical stories, using inspiration from all the Roman myths they have read over the past few weeks. The students have done a fantastic job organising their introduction, build up, problem, resolution and ending to their stories. Next week, we are reading a story about Pompeii and the eruption of Mount Vesuvius, which I’m sure the children will absolutely love learning about!

Our Numeracy unit on multiplication has continued. The students have been using their multiplication skills to help them solve division problems. Next week, we will be moving onto doubling 2-digit numbers and partitioning to halve even 2-digit numbers, as well as how to divide with remainders.

Our Science lessons have been particularly exciting this week as the students have used all their understanding of light and shadows to help them create their very own shadow puppet theatres! They have been hard at work preparing performances in their groups.

In our Roman Topic lessons, the students have been learning about how much the Romans have influenced the way we live now. We have explored the Roman calendar and how we still use the same system and months now.

It was lovely to complete our delayed Diwali art today! The children learned about the Diwali celebration and they each made a beautiful rangoli.

Well done for the week everyone!

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