13th Jan 2023

Apologies for the delay with the blog! Here is what has been going on in P3 last week.

The P3s are diving further into the world of Mr Fox and his family in Literacy. The students have been identifying speech and using this to create their own role plays together as characters in the story! It has been great fun rehearsing… with more to come this week! The P3’s have also been practicing their comprehension skills reflecting on the chapters we have read so far and constructing full, detailed sentences to answer the questions.

The P3’s continue to do a great job with their place value and comparing and ordering numbers in Numeracy. The students have been fantastic at partitioning 3-digit numbers and placing them on a line. They have taken their knowledge of place value further by also finding any given 3-digit number and setting questions for each other!

In Science we completed a great Rock Investigation! The students worked well together at comparing and contrasting different sedimentary, igneous and metamorphic rocks and testing their properties in different ways.

Our Rainforest Topic is now well underway, with the P3’s working their way through the four layers of the Rainforest.

Check out the photos below!

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