Welcome to P3!

Dear Parents,

Welcome to the new academic year and I hope you and your families have had an enjoyable summer.

Allow me to introduce you to the P3 team:

We are here to answer any questions you may have.

We are having a great start to life in P3. We are impressed with how quickly the children are settling in and showing good focus and concentration at this early stage. Keep it up P3! A gentle reminder that homework will not be issued until the first full week back in school, which is next week.

Please ensure your child comes to school with their hat, water bottle, snack and lunch each day.

Have a great weekend. Pictures and photos of the week will be posted on the blog and on Seesaw.

Kind Regards,

The P3 Team

STEM/STEAM Week, P3 End of Year Party & Tong Fuk Talent Show

We are now into our final week of what has been a busy, action packed and enjoyable year, filled with wonderful memories and friendships to last.

We are completing the year’s Literacy learning with the power of persuasion in advertising. The students will be composing their own adverts, using all of the features we have discussed and explored. We will finish off with a final group advert creation to promote L.I.S to the general public.

In Numeracy, we are finalising the year with revision of multiplication and division facts, including sequencing and partitioning to double and halve. We will complete the year with some exploring of 4-digit numbers to prepare everybody for the types of numbers they can expect in P4!

STEM/STEAM Week has been fantastic and insightful fun. The children got fully involved with mummifying apples, pyramid modelling with clay, 3-D flower modelling, and the ever-popular candy division.

Some key dates to remember this term:

  • P3 End of Year Party, Tuesday 25th June, please provide your child with some food for the children to share and enjoy together.
  • Tong Fuk Talent Show, Friday 28th June, please let me know f you would lie your child to sign up to perform in the show.

I will also be sending all of the student’s work files and work books early next week. Please use these as an effective study tool over the holiday period to prepare them for the next academic year.

It has been a pleasure teaching P3 this year, and I wish you all a happy and enjoyable summer.

P3 Update – Final Reports, Parent-Teacher Meeting and P4 Transition Day

With just a few weeks to go until the end of the school year, the P3’s are showing no signs of stopping since their brilliant combined effort completing the NFER exams earlier in May.

In Literacy, we have designed and made our own Animal Poetry Anthologies containing self-made poems and following the features we have been studying this term. Next week, we will be completing the year’s learning with the power of persuasion in advertising. The students will play with language, create adverts and promote healthy habits, using conjunctions and expanded noun phrases.

In Numeracy, shapes and their properties are being thoroughly explored. The P3’s have been great at naming and sorting 2-D and 3-D shapes, identifying lines of symmetry and right angles as turns. Next week, we will be moving onto our final unit, multiplication and division, beginning with sequences and counting in equal steps.

Topic and Art have been great fun this term, starting with Egyptian silhouettes and making Pharaoh Headdresses. This has progressed to creating with clay and learning about hieroglyphics for our Cartouche project next week! In Science, we have been expanding on our Plant Lifecycles knowledge by ordering fruits and vegetables and understanding the water transport system within all plants.

Some key dates to remember this term:

  • Final Reports send out Friday 7th June
  • Parent Meetings Saturday 8th June
  • P3 Transition Day to P4 Friday 21st June

Term 3 – 19th April 2024

We are now 2 weeks into the final term of P3 and everyone has settled back into school life brilliantly since the break.

In Literacy, the P3’s have written some excellent emotive poetry, considering rhythm and beats per line, as well as a range of language and vocabulary throughout. We have now moved onto our Modern Fiction unit, studying ‘The Hodgeheg’ By Dick King Smith, exploring plot, character and dialogue.

In Numeracy, everybody has been hard at work learning how to tell any time past and to the hour using analogue and digital. The P3’s have been getting a firm grasp on timings in a day, week, month and year, and practicing intervals of time.

We have moved on to Ancient Egypt in Topic, learning about the geography of the country as well as an interesting introduction to the amazing world. In Science, we are studying Plants, beginning with roots and shoots, drawing and identifying the key features of a flowering plant and what they need to survive and reproduce.

Some key dates to remember this term:

  • NFER Assessments 6th-10th May
  • P3 Transition Day to P4 TBC
  • Final Reports send out Friday 7th June
  • Parent Meetings Saturday 8th June

A big welcome to our new friend in class, Oliver, who has just joined us this week! Well done to a great start at L.I.S!

Book Week and Happy Easter!

We have made it to the Easter break! The P3’s have been managing their schoolwork with the fun of book week brilliantly leading up the holiday. A big well done to all!

We have completed our learning of non-chronological reports by composing our own Inspection Reports. We have revised our knowledge of features and how to extend sentences using adverbs, conjunctions and prepositions. We are now moving on to our new Poetry unit, looking at the works of Robert Louis Stevenson, beginning with rhyme and identifying rhyming couplets.

In Numeracy, we have developed our concept of fractions by comparing different fractions and finding fractions of amounts, as well as finding unit and non-unit fractions using division. We have now moved on to Time, securing previous knowledge of ¼ past, ½ past and ¼ to the hour, then focusing on 5 minutes past the hour, and 5 minutes to the hour.

In Science, we have moved on to Forces and Magnets, looking at how push/pull affects how things move on different surfaces. We have also been exploring acting forces (attract/repel) and how magnets can act at a distance. The students were all great at working together in our ‘Are all Metals Magnetic?’ investigation.

We celebrated Book Week with a host of reading enthused activities throughout. A big thank you to our Mystery Reader, Lydia, for visiting us and reading a very funny story. The children also loved the Swap & Share, Round Robin and Book Competition activities through the week.

As usual, all Numeracy & Literacy worksheets have been returned for the end of term, please use them as useful revision tools leading up to the NFER Assessments in May. I have sent home an Easter Booklet with activities to please complete and return after Easter. I have also provided an additional (optional) revision booklet, should your child have some extra time over the holiday. (Please ignore the coordinates sheet in the numeracy revision booklet as there is an error).

I wish you all happy Easter Holiday. See you in April 🙂

Green Week and P3 Field Trip

What a couple of weeks it has been!

The students are writing up some excellent reports of their chosen school pupils and are doing a great job at organising and structuring their writing, as well as ensuring to be fair and unbiased in their reporting. Next week, we will be brushing up on our knowledge of prepositions and adverbs ready for our new ‘Health & Safety Reports’ next week.

In Numeracy, fractions have started brilliantly and I have been very impressed with how the students are distinguishing between the different fractions we are using, and understanding the relationship between fractions and division. We have moved on from ½’s, ¼’s, and ¾’s now and are diving deeper into thirds, fifths and eighths.

We celebrated Green Week by mixing in our Science and Topic learning with a great ‘Oil Spill Activity’, followed by a Beach Clean-Up, School Hike, and our special guest who came to speak to us about ‘Responsible Pet Ownership’. We then finished the week with our P3 Field Trip to Mui Wo’s very own ‘Craft Junk Garden’ where we were able to bring our Rainforest and Soil and Flowering Plants learning into a new setting.

Hope you’re all having a great week.

9th February 2024 – Happy CNY!

Hope you have all enjoyed the CNY and your children are enjoying a well deserved break from school.

It has been all systems go in P3 leading up to the holiday!

The students are advancing their non-fiction reading and writing skills with non-chronological reports while exploring the world of ‘Studio Tours’. We are developing our knowledge with the features of reports, whilst studying conjunctions, prepositions and adverbs, in order to create our own reports next week.

Our addition and subtraction skills have progressed to using different strategies to add and subtract any 2-digit number, as well as expanded addition of 3-digit numbers and using counting up to subtract numbers more than 100. Next week we will round up the unit with word problems before moving onto fractions. Keep up the hard work everyone!

Our Topic unit of ‘The Rainforest’ is fascinating us all. We have looked at the geography, the 4 layers, as well as the people and tribes who live there. Geology is ‘rocking’ in Science! The P3’s have investigated the 3 types of rocks and their properties, moving onto the amazing world of soil and how important it is for all life on Earth.

We celebrated bringing in the New Year with a lion dance around school and the village!

The P3 Team wishes you all a great week.

26th January 2024

Well done to all of the P3’s for their hard work and concentration so far this term.

In Literacy, we have completed our unit of work on ‘Fantastic Mr. Fox’, and the students are making further progress with their composition skills. We have completed our own versions of an animal escape story following individually created plans, writing in past and present, using a range of descriptive language, and creating dialogue. All of the students are rising to the demands of the writing techniques they have to independently include, whilst structuring the story with a clear introduction, build up, problem, resolution, and ending.

In Numeracy, we have completed our new place value unit with representing 3-digit numbers in different ways, including rounding numbers to the nearest 10 and 100. Rounding numbers was particularly challenging for many and so extra practice has been included in this week’s homework. It has been a smooth transition into our new addition and subtraction unit, adding and subtracting amounts in money, as well as mental addition of 2-digit numbers and using different strategies to subtract.

In Science, the P3’s are enjoying progressing their ‘Rocks’ knowledge with a great investigation to their unique properties, using water and vinegar to measure permeability and acidity levels, as well as physical features of rocks. We will be looking at the wonders of ‘soil’ next week, including how soil is formed from rocks and organic matter, and just how important it is to life on our planet!

Everyone is enjoying their learning of ‘The Rainforest’ in Topic, and we have created some beautiful flipbooks to identify the forest floor, understory, canopy and emergent layers. We have also crafted some fantastic forest floors using card, coloured paper and clay to bring our creations to life! Next week, we will be focusing on the people of the Rainforest and their homes.

Hope you have all had a great weekend.

14th January 2024

Welcome to 2024 and I hope the New Year has started well for you all! The P3’s have wasted no time getting straight back into things for the new term.

This week we have begun a new Literacy topic of Classic Fiction, in which we are reading Fantastic Mr Fox by Roald Dahl. The P3’s are enjoying the journey of Mr Fox and his family, and their battle with the three terrible farmers: Boggis, Bunce and Bean! The students have been studying the vocabulary chosen by Dahl to describe characters, creating dialogue between them, and writing a persuasive letter to the council as a farmer.

Our new Numeracy unit focuses on place value and comparing and ordering numbers in relation to their value. The students have been placing 3-digit numbers on number lines and experimenting with 3-digit numbers, changing the position of the digits (hundreds, tens, ones) to see how the value is affected. We have also been understanding multiplication and division by 100 as inverses.

In Science we are moving onto Geology and exploring the world of ‘Rocks’. The students have learnt how to classify rocks as natural or man-made and have also been learning about the three main types of rock: sedimentary, igneous and metamorphic. We began our investigation by collecting rocks from the beach, ready for our experiment next week!

We have also had an introduction to our new Topic unit, ‘The Rainforest’, and the P3’s created some beautiful ‘Fox Artwork’ in Art this week, using pastels to smudge and create effect in the finished pieces.

Hope you are all having a great weekend.


P3 – End of Term Blog – Merry Christmas!

It has been a nonstop 2 weeks for the P3’s leading up to Christmas!

We completed our Newspaper reports in Literacy, using exciting language, prepositions and writing in different tenses to exercise the techniques we have learned. We then brought the reports to life by making them look as though they had been buried under the rubble of Pompeii for 2000 years!

We continued our measurement learning in Numeracy with mass, using weighing scales to investigate g and kg, and comparing the weight of different objects in the classroom. The P3’s worked fantastically together to measure accurately and report on their findings statistically.

It was great to introduce some hands on Roman Engineering! The P3’s designed and built some impressive Roman style buildings together, using everyday recycled materials. Everyone had fun working in groups to create their own forums.

We then finished the action packed term with the long awaited Roman March! (And will return for a last invasion upon our return to school in January!) The P3’s had fun frightening the school and the village!

The P3 Christmas Party was a joyous occasion indeed! The P3’s feasted to their hearts content and everyone had such a great time celebrating their hard work this term together. Thank you to all parents and carers for providing such fantastic food for everybody.

We then finished with a visit from Santa himself and the P1-P3 Christmas Performance, thank you to all for coming to show your support and cheer on the superstar performers!

Have a wonderful Christmas break, and a Happy New Year to all!

See you in 2024!

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