29th April 2022

Click here for this week’s homework, due Thursday 5th May 

We have had such an enjoyable FULL WEEK at school!

In Literacy, we have continued our Modern Fiction unit on The Hodgeheg. The students have been writing accounts from the points of view of other characters and exploring the use of adverbs  within the story. They have used direct speech to create their own role plays between the characters.

In Numeracy we have been reviewing fractions and extending their understanding of fractions. The students are becoming more confident solving fractions of amounts problems. It is always helpful for the students to keep practicing their multiplication and division facts, as this really helps with fractions! This is an excellent resource: https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button

We have begun a new science topic on plants. This week the student began by researching and sharing their knowledge of plant facts. Watch this space for some new life over the next few weeks!

This week we have been learning about Howard Carter and his discovery of Tutankhamen’s tomb. Then there was great excitement when teams of P3 archaeologists actually discovered an ancient tomb within the Tong Fuk campus!

You should have a new spiky friend joining your families, as to complement our reading of The Hodgeheg, the students made their very own clay hedgehogs/hodgehegs!

We have also really enjoyed having PE lessons again. The P3 classes joined together this afternoon for a quick dodgeball tournament. We’ll let the kids tell you who won….!

Have a fantastic long weekend!


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