15th September 2023

We have been unfortunate that a bug has been circulating in school in recent weeks and there have been many absences. I wish those of us who have fallen ill a swift and healthy return to school.

Well done to the P3’s for completing their versions of story writing this week. We have now started a new poetry unit in Literacy. The students really enjoyed reading The Bug Chant by Tony Mitton and we will be writing our very own snake chants next week. The P3’s have shown great promise with consideration of rhythm and rhyme in our recital practice. For extra Seesaw homework, the students have been asked to record themselves reading the poem, so you should all get chance to hear it! We will also be looking at how nouns can be turned into noun phrases by adding determiners and adjectives e.g. dog becomes the cute brown dog. We will also be exploring a new poem Daddy Fell into the Pond by Alfred Noyes, which causes great amusement in class.

We have moved on to a new unit in Numeracy this week. This unit focuses on using number facts to add/subtract, as well as strategies to improve mental addition and subtraction. We have looked at number facts and how they can help with larger numbers e.g. 3 + 4 = 7 therefore 83 + 4 = 87. By reinforcing number bonds to 20, the students will improve their proficiency with adding and subtracting 2 and 3-digit numbers.

In this week’s Science, we continued our Keeping Healthy theme by learning about muscles and how they work as a team with our bones in our musculoskeletal system. Everyone had fun with our outdoor exercise investigation into how muscles work and building our awareness of which muscles we use for different movements.

Our Ancient Rome Topic lessons continue to thrill and shock us all! This week we have looked at Roman society and how it was separated into three different classes of people: patricians (wealthy and powerful upper class) plebeians (regular working class citizens) and slaves. Next week, we will be looking at Roman jobs, the duties undertaken in each position and the qualities required to be successful in each job.

We are also planning to have our first beach morning on Friday 22nd September (the weather is finally being our friend!) and I will confirm this with you closer to the time.

Hope you are all having a fantastic weekend!

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