6th May 2022

Click here for this week’s homework, due Thursday 12th May

This week we have completed our literacy unit on The Hodgeheg. The students were able to identify the main parts of the story plot and find the actions and consequences for each of the main character’s quests. The P3s then transformed into literary critics to write an in-depth analysis of the story in their book review booklets.

The students have made a very impressive leap in numeracy, and are now able to find equivalent fractions, such as 3/6 = 1/2! Not only this, but they can now even add and subtract fractions with the same denominator e.g. 5/8 – 3/8 = 2/8.  Excellent work, P3s!

The Tong Fuk campus is looking particularly beautiful right now, especially since our sunflowers have bloomed. The children have been so excited monitoring their growth and seeing the different insects that they attract. They have also really complemented our science unit on plants. This week the students drew the sunflowers then labelled the different parts of the plants.

We had a very special guest at school today! To end our literacy unit on The Hodgeheg, we had a visit from a real life hedgehog! Charlotte in P3A generously brought in her pet hedgehog, Sony, and told all the P3s about Sony’s lifestyle and how to take good care of her. Sony loved meeting the P3s almost as much as they loved meeting her.

This week’s art project is a secret, but you might find out more on Sunday…..

Have a fantastic long weekend!
Well done, P3s!


29th April 2022

Click here for this week’s homework, due Thursday 5th May 

We have had such an enjoyable FULL WEEK at school!

In Literacy, we have continued our Modern Fiction unit on The Hodgeheg. The students have been writing accounts from the points of view of other characters and exploring the use of adverbs  within the story. They have used direct speech to create their own role plays between the characters.

In Numeracy we have been reviewing fractions and extending their understanding of fractions. The students are becoming more confident solving fractions of amounts problems. It is always helpful for the students to keep practicing their multiplication and division facts, as this really helps with fractions! This is an excellent resource: https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button

We have begun a new science topic on plants. This week the student began by researching and sharing their knowledge of plant facts. Watch this space for some new life over the next few weeks!

This week we have been learning about Howard Carter and his discovery of Tutankhamen’s tomb. Then there was great excitement when teams of P3 archaeologists actually discovered an ancient tomb within the Tong Fuk campus!

You should have a new spiky friend joining your families, as to complement our reading of The Hodgeheg, the students made their very own clay hedgehogs/hodgehegs!

We have also really enjoyed having PE lessons again. The P3 classes joined together this afternoon for a quick dodgeball tournament. We’ll let the kids tell you who won….!

Have a fantastic long weekend!


22nd April 2022

Click here for this week’s homework, due Thursday 28th April.

How exciting to finally be back in school! We have had such a great week back and students and teachers alike have been thrilled to be reunited.

In Literacy we have begun a new Modern Fiction unit based on The Hodgeheg by Dick King Smith. We have been exploring the characters, setting and plot within the story. We will continue to read this story over the following two weeks to study different grammatical features and written techniques.

In Numeracy we have continued our unit on Time, particularly concentrating on converting digital to analogue and telling time to the nearest minute.

We have begun our new,  gruesomely wonderful topic on….ANCIENT EGYPT! This week we used atlases to locate Egypt, found and labelled some key places in ancient Egypt, and discovered exactly when the Ancient Egyptian Empire was at large!

As the weather has been so lovely, we finished off the week with a hike!

Well done on your first week back in school, P3s!

7th January 2022

Click here for this week’s homework, due on Thursday 13th January

Happy New Year, everyone!
It was wonderful welcoming the students back on Monday; they were all so excited to see one another and share their news from their Christmas break.

This week we have begun a new Literacy topic of Classic Fiction, in which we are reading Fantastic Mr Fox by Roald Dahl. We are only a few chapters into the book, but already the P3s are already totally invested in the story of Mr Fox and his family, and their battle with the three terrible farmers: Boggis, Bunce and Bean! The students have been studying the vocabulary chosen by Dahl to describe characters, then using drama techniques to take on the character roles. They also created their own beautiful fox artwork!

Our new Numeracy unit focuses on place value and comparing and ordering numbers in relation to their value. The students have been placing 3-digit numbers on number lines and experimenting with 3-digit numbers, changing the position of the digits (hundreds, tens, ones) to see how the value is affected. They have also been working out the best strategies for ordering numbers using their knowledge of place value.

In Science we are looking at Rocks. The students have learnt how to classify rocks as natural or man-made and have also been learning about the three main types of rock: sedimentary, igneous and metamorphic.

What a great week back. Well done, P3s!

10th December, 2021

Click here for this week’s homework, due on Wednesday 15th December

This has been our final full week of school for 2021, and how better to celebrate it than with our P3 Christmas Party and our Christmas assembly!

The students had a fantastic time playing Christmas games this morning before feasting on the delicious treats sent in from home. Then in the afternoon we had an incredibly exciting Christmas assembly with a visit from a very special guest…

During this week’s Literacy lessons, the students travelled all the way back to 79AD to write their very own newspaper articles all about the eruption of Mount Vesuvius, which destroyed the city of Pompeii. We are so proud of how the students consolidated all their knowledge of newspaper reports, plus their grammar work on adverbs, to write their articles.

Our measurement unit has continued in Numeracy. Earlier this week we moved on from length and weight to learn about capacity. The students spent time experimenting with different sized containers and measuring jugs/cylinders to familiarise themselves with litres and millimetres. Later in the week we moved on to learning how to measure the diameter of a circle and the perimeter of polygons.

We hope that you have enjoyed seeing your child’s artwork this week. Firstly we reused some of the leftover cardboard from the Roman to make Christmas tree decorations. For our second masterpiece we up-cycled leftover toilet roll inners to create beautiful paintings in the style of snowstorm ornaments.

Have a wonderful weekend!



2nd December 2021 Green Week

Click here for this week’s homework, due on Thursday 9th December

This week we have had our Green Week, and what a wonderful week it has been! Our P3 students are always environmentally conscious, but this week we have been extremely impressed by the dedication and empathy we have seen from them.

We have been very lucky to have, not one, but two guest speakers visit the school. Dana from Plastic Free Seas and Andrea the ‘shark lady’ both gave incredibly informative and enjoyable talks, that inspired students and teachers alike.

Our campus hike on Thursday was a real highlight and an amazing opportunity for us all to spend time together out in our local environment. The students were excitedly pointing out different insects and plants, whilst vigilantly looking for trash and moving it to bins.

We finished off the week with a beach visit where we left a message for the people of South Lantau.

In amongst all our Green Week activities, we have still made time to continue our measurement unit in Numeracy, where the students have been learning about grams and kilograms and measuring and comparing the weight of different objects. In Literacy we have continued learning about newspaper reports, whilst looking at the tragedy of Pompeii.

Please continue to help our environment, P3s. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle!


19th November, 2021

Click here for this week’s homework, due on Thursday 25th November

What an exciting (and terrifying!) day we had today when the campus came under attack from the ROMANS! With their beautifully painted helmets and shields, the Roman soldiers, led by their centurions declared war and then conquered the whole of Tong Fuk campus! See the terrifying events in the photos below.

The days leading up to the attack were so busy that we just didn’t see it coming…

In Literacy this week, the students have been learning about adverbs to express time, place and manner. Using a variety of adverbs, they wrote their very own newspaper style reports as eye-witnesses at a Roman chariot race!

In Numeracy we have continued to explore multiplication and division. We also looked at how to solve word problems by finding the key data from a problem first and forming a number sentence/equation, before trying to solve it.

We have come to the end of our Science unit on Light, so the students showed us what experts they were in an end of unit quiz. They also managed to squeeze in a final investigation into light and colour, using torches and coloured acetate sheet.

We finished the week with another full P3 PE session. Well done on another fantastic week, P3s!

Have a great weekend, everyone!

12th November 2021

Click here for this week’s homework, due Thursday 18th November

We’ve come to the end of another busy week at L.I.S.

This week in Literacy the students have been continuing their unit on Newspaper Reports. Whilst continuing to identify newspaper features, the students have been looking at tense by reviewing simple past tense and learning how to use perfect form. This also all ties in with our theme story Escape from Pompeii, and the students all got into the story in a fun freeze-frame activity explaining what had happened in different scenes from the story, using the present perfect tense to explain!

Our unit on Multiplication has continued in Numeracy. This week we have been learning about different strategies to multiply and divide, such as doubling a number twice to multiply by 4, and the reverse of halving a number twice to divide by 4. The students have also begun learning the 8 times table.

In Science the students all performed the much anticipated shadow puppet performances. What a creative bunch of students we have!

This week’s Roman Topic lessons have been focused on Roman engineering. We have been looking at the ingenious designs and craftsmanship of Roman aqueducts, bridges and roads. The students also learnt about the style of Roman architecture and even created their very own mini-Roman buildings. Take a look below!

This week the teachers had some extra special help from some superstar P3s in our special kindness assembly.

Great work, P3s!


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