11th Nov 2022

Welcome back to the P3 blog. It has been another busy and action packed week!

This week in Literacy the students have began their unit on Newspaper Reports by identifying newspaper features and designing their own layout for an article. The students have been looking at tense by reviewing simple past and learning how to use a range of verbs in our writing. The students loved reading our theme story Escape from Pompeii, and everyone did great at explaining what had happened in different scenes from the story, using verbs and the correct tense to explain!

Our unit on Multiplication and Division has continued in Numeracy. This week we have been learning about different strategies to multiply and divide, such as grouping and sharing in order to find the remainder for division. The students improved very well at this as the week progressed, but please ensure revision is taken up at home to review the learning.

In Science the students rounded up our Light and Shadow investigation with an evaluation to our findings. Our Roman Topic lessons have been focused on Roman engineering. We have been looking at the ingenious designs and craftsmanship of Roman aqueducts, bridges and roads. The students also learnt about the style of Roman architecture and even created their very own mini-Roman buildings. Take a look below!

Great work P3s!

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